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Open source camp coming up Sat Nov 2nd at Chatt State.

2024-10-18 by: Mike Harrison via chugalug
From: Mike Harrison via chugalug 

Forwarding a slightly edited email from Lee Walker:

-- Guys,
  We have the Open source camp coming up Sat Nov 2nd at Chatt State.

There is a $20 off coupon "20-OFF".

We fill your head with knowledge, feed you lunch, clothe you with a 
snazzy T-shirt, and keep you caffeinated all day with coffee and snacks.
After party is also planned.

There are two different trainings offered during the day.
Drupal in a Day, and WordPress in a Day.
Plus sessions on all kinds of open source technologies.

Help support this local conference.

Lee Walker
Principal Engineer
(423) 834-7104
(404) 405-1194

Code Journeymen LLC
1028 Signal Mtn Road,
Suite 103
"Tardis Basement"
Chattanooga TN